Thursday, December 26, 2019

Evaluating the Use of Al-Ain University Library in Abu Dhabi - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1482 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Education Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Evaluating the Use of Al-Ain University Library in Abu Dhabi and its services: Introduction The purpose of the institution of higher education library is to prop up the educational programmes of the academia by on condition that significant information so as to take action to the mounting information burden of the users who encompass the apprentices and the academic personnel of the university. The new Century pretenses fundamental confronts to the university libraries that the on the whole functions and services are prejudiced frequently. This is in stroke with the estimation that many problems influence the way services are make available in the library on a customary base. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Evaluating the Use of Al-Ain University Library in Abu Dhabi" essay for you Create order These challenges consistently stipulate that assessment of university libraries servicesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ remnants worthwhile. Unvarying appraisal of the university libraries utilize is the confident method to make certain that information is attained so as to determine whether the library is congregation its predictable objective, so that modification should be made where essential for effectual information service deliverance. In conjunction with this, the rationale of valuation, as confirmed by different scientists is to congregate information on how the library is completing its goals with an observation to increasing the deliverance of library services. In the luminosity of this therefore, requirement for this study becomes very important. It has been converted into maneuver to determine the degree to which the students of Al Ain University are exploiting the resources in their institution of higher education library. Determine the Purpose of the study The foremost rationale of this study is to estimate the utilization of library possessions and services by students of Al Ain University. Particularly, the study is located out to: Determine the occurrence of the utilization of library by the students of the university. Discover out the ease of use/satisfactoriness of the library possessions. Figure out the convenience of the library possessions. Find out userà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ echelon of fulfillment with the offers provided. Find out the limitation to effectual exercise of library assets by the students. Recommend realistic ways to perk up use of the library by the students of the University. Research Questions The subsequent research questions were pretense to conduct this study: How numerous do the subscribers of Al Ain University utilize the University Library? To what degree are materials accessible or sufficient in the University Library? To what degree are the materials in the University Library available? To what level are the subscriber or users pleased with the offerings and amenities endow with? What are the limitations to effectual exploit of library possessions by the students of the University? In how many ways can the utilization of the library be enhanced in the students of the University? Determine data gathering and analysis techniques Research type was descriptive and causal as well. This is designed to depict the characteristics of library users and library services and find out the impact of applications of facilities on studies. Study followed deductive approach. It started with ample studies and literature review. Then it formalized to concept of Library offerings, system of to issue material and impact on students of university. From the findings in literature review questionnaire was designed. We collected data from the questionnaire and interviews based on the previous research work. Results will be analyzed from the data according to questionnaire. Research investigated with casual and correlation ways such as: the subscriber or users pleased with the offerings and amenities endow with and utilization of the library and enhancement in the knowledge of students of the University? Study setting based on non-contrived method. All data collected from Al Ain university library students in natural environment to see the relationship between use of students and library system. As data was gathered once, so it was cross-sectional study or one shot study. Close ended form of questionnaire selected because respondents find it interesting and easy to choose the options instead of giving random answers and additional comments. In other words, respondents come across with marked out categories in a closed question. As data was gathered once, so it was cross-sectional study or one shot study. This is a case study. The populace is 2500 recorded library exploiters, of which 200 people were chosen, by means of a in proportion stratified sampling technique. The most important mechanism for information compilation was a questionnaire. The survey was succinct and prearranged. Respondents were given moment in time and opportunity to absolute the questionnaire in the records. 200 response of the questionnaire were appropriately accomplished and come back. Throughout examination, frequencies were calculated from the rejoinder to the questions and transformed to percentages as obtainable and analyzed as follows. Data Presentation and Analysis Table 1 Allocation of users by position 154 (77%) of answers from the group of students, while 46 (23%) were employees. Students comprise the greater part in the university group of people. Regularity of the Use of Library Table 2: classification of Questionnaires by their regularity of utilizing of Library services A greater part of survey analysis, 74 (37%) worn the library in first slot, whereas 76 (38%) fall in second category which represent once in a week. Only 13 (7%) used the library once a month. Motives for Using the Library Table 3: Allocation by motives for means of using the Library 50 (25%) draw closer to the library to comprehend library books, 70 (35%) utilize the library offerings to refer the materials, 45 (23%) use for cours e group project and 20 (10%) to have access to library manuscript. Only 4 (3%) approached to exercise the library for all mentioned above motives, whereas another aspect of motive is to read library materials especially books and check with mention materials in which 25 percent people fall. Analysis Materials worn out Most Table 4: Allocations by evaluation and assessment Materials worn most users Reading Books report for the majority library stay, with 98 (49%), orientation resources consist of 23 (11%), journalists/publication 17(8%), periodical/directories 27 (13%) and assignment information 12(6%). Accessibility of Material Table 6: Usersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ answer on ease of use of evaluation Materials Result and discussion of Findings Mutually the students and the employees utilize the library resources, even though students comprise the preponderance. The majority surveys response exploit the library two to three times a week or every day, an excell ent suggestion of library draw on. A lot of motives were highly developed by means ofusing library. The prime numeral of respondents moves towards to read books from the compilation, while on second priority approached to confer with resource materials. This shows that possessions are being utilized, even though many students move toward the library to do lessons coursework. Textbooks are the a large amount frequently-used resources with 98 , pursue by indication materials Nearly three quarters of users designate that they go straight to the defer to situate material, and 18 ask the library staff. That may give details why users depend more on library staff than on the certificate catalogue in locating reading resources. While this admirable, users should be trained to employ the catalogue. Half of users rated library resources and amenities as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“fairà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , on second category it is rated them à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“good,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  very low give consent as à ¢Ã ¢â€š ¬Ã…“very good.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Recommendation and conclusion: In this experiential study, the authors were twisted on assessing the use of library by the students of Al Ain University. Facts and figures were drawing out from them on a lot of aspects of areas of utilization of library. Scrutinize were the occurrence of the use of the library, the degree to which resources are accessible and sufficient in the library, the degree to which the possessions are accessible in the library, usersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ contentment with the services and amenities provided, tribulations affecting effectual use of the library by the students, and conduct of humanizing the use of the library by students. In the light of the findings of the investigations, it is to make the following recommendations: The tradition of using the Library should be in collated into students from side to side avenues such as systematize library presentation, library display, library direction, and addition o f use of library as a course in the Universityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s prospectus so as to pull towards you students to the Library. The library compilation has to be improved to make certain that there is sufficient and impartial collection shimmering the concentration of all the departments. Organization and arrangement of the library compilation through cataloguing, categorization and indexing should be taken dangerously in organize to make possible right of entry and recovery to the resources. The Library Management should board on activities that would augment usersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ satisfaction because if users are satisfied, their benefaction will be protected and the occurrence of benefaction will also be augmented. Electronic/online library services have to be improved and users should be confident to use them. The Library should be making available with substitute means of authority supply in case to foresee power failure; standby power-generating sets should be made obtainable to the Library to take care of this. Services in the Library have to be computerized so that usersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ information requirements could be responded to punctually and without stoppage.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Descartes Debate On Dualism - 944 Words

Descartes’ debate for dualism is called the divisibility argument, where he believes the mind cannot be divided while the body can and, as a result, the mind and body are distinct. But is this really true? I have evaluated Descartes’ reasons for believing in the divisibility of the body and the indivisibility of the mind from Descartes Meditations. I argue that Descartes argument does not work as he is trying to make science and church compatible and the existence of instances where the mind can be divided. The argument is introduced in Descartes’ sixth meditation when he states, â€Å"I am unable to distinguish any parts within myself.† (59) In this statement the philosopher proposes his belief of the incapability of the mind being divided.†¦show more content†¦Another way of addressing the body as divisible, is the visible fact that the body can be physically divided every time. As a result, Descartes believes the mind cannot extend like the bo dy. Descartes uses a result that was made in the second meditation, â€Å"But what kind of a thing? As I have just said – a thinking thing,† (18) to make the claim in the sixth meditation, â€Å"For when I consider the mind, or myself in so far as I am merely a thinking thing†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (59) and as a result the mind, according to Descartes, is not identical with the body. Conscious, is another basis for Descartes’ argument. Consciousness is presented in the second meditation where Descartes states the mind is a thinking thing. He can conclude that the mind has a conscience while the physical body doesn’t have a conscience so again, the mind and body are not identical. After reviewing Descartes’ divisibility argument, I found instances where I would disagree in Descartes’ statements. Descartes thinks the mind remains active when the body decays from a dead body since the mind is separate from the body because of its indivisibility. By Des cartes stating this, he is saying the mind cannot be known by science while the body can. Since the mind can’t, this provides a place for freewill, faith, and possibly survival of the dead body. As a result, making science and religion compatible. During this time the church is siding with the philosopher, Aristotle, because his philosophies

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Strategic External Environmental Analysis

Question: Discuss about the Strategic External Environmental Analysis. Answer: Introduction The Australian aviation industry has a long background and is currently operating all over the world besides Australia. The aviation industry in Australia has gained importance because of the country being on an island and a having a thriving economy. It consists of sub-segments like gliding, hand gliding and autogyros. The Australian aviation industry has experienced the transferring of all the major airports from being Commonwealth-owned to privately owned into long term leases, regulatory changes and service restructuring. The Australian airlines carry international cargoes and passengers all across the world. Being an island country most of the visitors come by air. There are separate domestic and regional services in the region and the best aircrafts link the main cities and ports (Bamber 2015). External Environment Analysis The analyzing of the external environment of the Australian industry is crucial to the industrys survival and understanding the trends and practices existing in it. The industry has seen difficulties, and is even sensitive to law, economic situation and social factors that has influenced the airline industry despite the growth in popularity and passenger numbers. The external factors that can continue to influence the industry in future also are discussed below: Political factors The airline industry had seen a significant change in the operation processes after the 9/11 incident. After the incident, the travelling to other countries decreased significantly due to the uncertainty in safety and security. Additionally, the visa policy and border control became strict that caused the travelers inconvenience and decreased the travelling figures. The industry has coped up considerably with the political situation and has favored the passengers over the airlines. The industry had inclined towards a more monopolistic approach previously, and with a decrease in that has come increased competition and strict regulations for passengers. The passengers would be having a favorable position because of which they can push for lower prices and better amenities. Governments all over the world are investing in expanding the airports and building new ones to encourage travelling and handle a larger number of passengers. Economic factors The airline industry has always been highly dependent on the economic situation. The economic instability in the form of extended recession, oil price fluctuations and global slowdown has acted as debilitating factors, but has also given rise to low cost airlines. These kind of economic slowdowns have enlightened the airline industry on ways to survive difficult economic conditions and become more productive by reducing costs (Grant 2016). Social factors Globally, travelling on holidays and vacations are becoming a trend as more and more tourist spots are coming up and travel companies are providing exclusive holiday packages. In addition, the income of the middle class is growing and along with it the air travelling costs are decreasing, making travelling by air more affordable. As a result, tourism is turning into an effectively potential customer market. Globalization also has the capability to expand businesses across borders, making it easier for CEOs and business managers to travel and meet with prospective clients. This trend has the probability to increase further with time. The maiden age of travelers is going up, which means that older people are becoming more inclined towards air travelling because of different reasons (Ancell 2016). Technological factors Technology has a widespread impact on all industries, which includes the airline industry also. The use of internet is increasing, and customers are getting the chance to conveniently purchase tickets from the comfort of their homes. Moreover, the ability and access of airlines are on an increase as passengers can get the latest update about fares and times. Airlines are increasing their usage of technology that has the potential to facilitate better interaction with customers. Legal factors Countries are with time introducing different rules, legislations and quality standards to guarantee safety and security of passengers. Airline companies are making it compulsory to follow these rules and conducts while travelling to other countries. It can increase the costs of air travelling as many standards and service levels have to be maintained. In addition, it would become difficult for new airlines to obtain an operating license in certain countries because of the new restrictions and requirements. There is a high chance that lawsuits would increase against airlines as customer expectations would increase and the laws are becoming severe against the airlines. It would become a bigger challenge for the airline companies. Environmental factors With the increase in environmental issues, customers are becoming more aware and concerned about safety. Airline industry contributes almost 4% to the climate change that would be growing significantly in future ( 2017). As a result, customers would become more aware and prefer eco-friendly options for travelling by air. Airlines are planning to develop corporate social responsibility programs in an attempt to address this issue and properly deal with it. All eyes would remain on the airlines in future to see what they are doing to deal with this issue. Currently many companies are trying to introduce environment friendly airplanes in the industry. Bio fuel usage tests by eco-friendly airplanes have been successful and are being appreciated by many organizations for their attempt to work towards environment protection. Demographic factors Demographic factors are important for the airline industry as it helps in conducting business with the help of a comparatively luxurious but reasonably priced service. The demographics also helps in forecasting demand for services and understand customer expectations. The Australian populations is growing, and at the same time its aging. The major parts of the population are youngsters and they are the group that influences the spending patterns of the country. As the number of baby-boomers retiring is increasing, the consumer group that would consume more is growing. It can be easily understood that the millennial generation would define the future of the travelling and airline industry (Lucarelli 2014). Industry environment The Australian airlines industry has experienced turbulent trading conditions in the last few years. However, the industry is expected to increase its revenue level through 2016-17 at an annualized 0.4% over the five years. The anticipated growth is of 2.2% in the current year. The depreciating Australian dollar has been assisting the broader tourism sector over the period and has helped in the growth of the economy ( 2017). The Australian airline industry is moderately concentrated, even with the introduction of budget carriers. The traditional low cost airlines have provided the challenge for a long time. The high-end players differentiate their products in terms of service quality, which would make it difficult for them to abandon all that for competing with the low-cost alternatives. In addition, the largest players own majority of the aircrafts, leading to high exit barriers (Homsombat, Lei and Fu 2014). The profitability territory of the airline industry is expected to bring in a net profit of $29.8 billion in 2017. It is expected to be in its eighth year of aggregate airline profitability, which is illustrative of its resilience of industry structure to external shocks ( 2017). The airline industry is growing and along with it is the competitiveness in the international market. Industry researches have shown that competition in Australia's worldwide aircraft industry will keep on being tempered by the bilateral air service assertions unless there are fruitful multilateral moves towards a more liberal administration over the more extended term. Thus, Qantas is adequately ensured a noteworthy part in its global markets, despite the fact that the power of competition with Qantas changes amongst business sectors and could grow if new Australian banner bearers access Qantas routes ( 2017). Conclusion: The airline industry experiences success factors in the form of its people, products and services, route systems, revenue and so on. The people and performance division always supports and receives the same kind of support from other business divisions. The recruitment also keeps in mind to include people who can provide superior in-flight customer services. Moreover, product developments, in-flight developments and aircraft developments are repeatedly taken care of (Wu and Liao 2014). References Ancell, D., 2016.Clipped Wings: Corporate social and environmental responsibility in the airline industry. Routledge. 2017. Australian Airline Industry Parliament of Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. Bamber, G.J., 2015. Low-cost airlines product and labor market strategic choices: Australian perspectives.Members-only Library. 2017. Environmental issues for aviation | Eurocontrol. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. Homsombat, W., Lei, Z. and Fu, X., 2014. Competitive effects of the airlines-within-airlines strategyPricing and route entry patterns.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,63, pp.1-16. 2017. IATA -Another Strong Year for Airline Profits in 2017. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. 2017. Domestic Airlines in Australia Market Research | IBISWorld. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. Lucarelli, G., 2014. The corporate strategy of Qantas Airways. A case study. Wu, W.Y. and Liao, Y.K., 2014. A balanced scorecard envelopment approach to assess airlines' performance.Industrial Management Data Systems,114(1), pp.123-143.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Nine Tomorrows Essays - Isaac Asimov, All The Troubles Of The World

Nine Tomorrows Will computers control humans in the future? People always tend to seek the easy way out looking for something that would make their lives easier. Machines and tools have given us the ability to do more in less time giving us, at the same time, more comfort. As the technology advances, computers become faster and more powerful. These new machines are enabling us to do more in less time making our lives easier. The increased use of computers in the future, however, might have negative results and impact on our lives. In the novel Nine Tomorrows Isaac Asimov often criticizes our reliance on computers by portraying a futuristic world where computers control humans. One of the images which Asimov describes in the book is that humans might become too dependent on computers. In one of the stories, Profession, Asimov writes about people being educated by computer programs designed to educate effortlessly a person. According to the Profession story people would no longer read books to learn and improve their knowledge. People would rely on the computers rather than "try to memorize enough to match someone else who knows" (Nine Tomorrows, Profession 55). People would not chose to study, they would only want to be educated by computer tapes. Putting in knowledge would take less time than reading books and memorizing something that would take almost no time using a computer in the futuristic world that Asimov describes. Humans might began to rely on computers and allow them to control themselves by letting computers educate people. Computers would start teaching humans what computers tell them without having any choice of creativity. Computer ould start to control humans' lives and make humans become too dependent on the computers. Another point that is criticized by Asimov is the fact that people might take their knowledge for granted allowing computers to take over and control their lives. In a story called The Feeling of Power, Asimov portrays how people started using computers to do even simple mathematical calculations. Over a long period of time people became so reliable on computers that they forgot the simplest multiplication and division rules. If someone wanted to calculate an answer they would simply use their pocket computer to do that (The Feeling of Power 77). People became too independent from the start making them forget what they have learned in the past. People in the story The Feeling of Power would take for granted what they have learned over centuries of learning and chose computers because of their ability to do their work faster. The lack of manual mathematics, which people chose to forget in the story, caused computers to be the ones to solve simple mathematics problems for the p le taking control of the humans by doing the work for them (The Feeling of Power 81-82). The reliance of computers went to such an extent that even Humans began to use computers in all fields of study and work allowing computers to control their lives by taking over and doing everything for them. According to another story in the book, Asimov also describes how computers would be able to predict probabilities of an event, future. In the story All the Troubles of the World one big computer predicted crime before it even happened, allowing the police to take the person who was going to commit the crime and release him/her after the danger has passed (All The Troubles of The World 144-145). This computer, called Multivac, controlled humans by telling the authorities about who was going to commit a crime causing someone to be imprisoned until the danger has passed. It was the computer that made the decision of someone's freedom or imprisonment and that controlled others to arrest a person it suspected of committing a crime controlling his/her destiny. The decision of imprisoning someone for a crime a person did not commit was all in the hands of a computer. It was the computer that controlled humans and their destiny and controlling other humans who believed in everything that computer told them. Multivac could not only predict the future but it also could answer many questions that would normally embarrass people if they would have to ask someone else about it. Multivac could access its vast database of trillions of pieces of knowledge and find the best solution for one's problem (All The Troubles of The World 153). All the people believed that Multivac knows the best and allowed a computer to control their lives by following the solutions Multivac had given them