Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analog and Digital Formats Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analog and Digital Formats - Essay Example Smith asserts that : . flexibility is one of the chief assets of digital information.   The bits of data can be recombined for easy manipulation and compressed for storage. Digital images will not degrade when copied as analog formats degenerate. Information in digital formats can over access and can be downloaded millions of times. The process of converting analog to digital format is known as â€Å"digitization†. It is also important to note that digital format is best used with electronic communication such as PCs, Ipods , DVD players, and other electronic equipment. The main function of digital recording is the conversion of the analog wave into a stream of numbers and records the numbers instead of a wave. Usually, a device known as analog-to-digital converter (ADC) does the conversion. However, a multimedia PC can also perform the conversion by using audio editing software. There are many formats that you can choose from such as Windows WAVE (.wav)  ,QuickTime Movies (.mov), RealAudio (.ra, .ram, .rp),MPEG Audio (.mpg) Moving Picture Experts Group MIDI (mid) Muscial Instrument Digital Interface, and Windows Media Audio (.wma). The choice of format determines delivery speeds, quality of sound, plug-ins required and size of the audio file. The quality of sound is affected by the sampling rate especially in analog-to-digital conversion. Certain distortions such as noise can happen if the sampling rate is not achieved. The website pctechguide suggests that ideal sampling rate in audio recording for personal use is 44.1 kHz .Due to the different formats available, some players cannot recognize the format, thus, programs like â€Å"codec’ can make this possible. There are many types of codec such as divx codec, avi codec, MPEG-Layer 3 codec depending on the user’s needs and preference. An important factor in converting analog to digital formats is compression. Compression enables your files to download quickly. Compression

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