Friday, January 3, 2020

The Effects Of Environmental Child Abuse On Children

Environmental Child Abuse When you ask someone to list different types of abuse, they will likely list Emotional, Verbal, Physical, Mental and Sexual. There is another type, which not much is done about. Environmental Abuse. While many think this is a petty issue, when reported to Child Protective Services or CPS, they don’t seem to jump onto the situation and investigate. Environmental Abuse affects more of the children because the way they are raised is the way they will live in the future. Environmental Child Abuse can consist of living in filth to the point where they are insects infesting the house, no proper care of animals, not providing basic necessities or hygiene, no proper medical or dental cat, denying the children nutritious food and denying education of the children. Elizabeth Robinson, a victim of Environmental Child Abuse, had stated, â€Å"For the past couple of years, I have been living in this house full of filth.† Many children who live in these conditions is usually due to the parents and the way they were raised as children. When the parents were raised, the chances of the parents raising their children like that are very likely because they don’t know any better. History is just repeating itself. Elizabeth’s step-mother, Nikol Robinson, had three of her own children raising them to live the way she lived as a child. If you were to look at Nikol’s mother’s house right now, it would look very similar to what Elizabeth is living in. Elizabeth Robinson andShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Our Lack Of Sustainability Of Earth On Children1251 Words   |  6 Pagescontributor to the negative effect on the Earth is pollution. Pollution has not only put a physical burden on the environment, but it has altered the way that we think about living here. 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