Friday, June 14, 2019

Formal report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Formal report - Assignment ExampleThis require was limited to the evaluation of the durability of Ace distributors salespeople. This study was also restricted to dealers operating in trinity major retail areas, including New York, Chicago, and Dallas. These dealers were selected randomly, and included those from the five leading brands of television in the country, including Todd Manufacturing Company Apco, compound Davis Manufacturing Company and Barr Industries, Incorporated, and Ace Manufacturing.This study may be limited through the insufficient sequence for doing the work. The scope of this study was wide hence sufficient time was required for accurate completion of the study. In addition, the topic of study was wide hence the aspect of subjectivity might have been introduced in the study, and some areas in the scope of the study might have been left out. Furthermore, this study adopted the use of questionnaires as the main data collection instrument in conducting the surve y. Since questionnaires essential generally be brief, areas that may have influenced effectiveness of distributors salespeople may not have been included in the questionnaire.The main goal of this report is to show the effectiveness of Ace distributors salespeople. It has become important for the company to launch investigations into the effectiveness of the salespeople, owing to the poor performance of the company in the populate three years. Prior to these last three years, the company Ace Manufacturing ranked the top in all the five leading home television brands in the country. However, in the last three years, the performance of this company has dropped, as it currently ranks at position three. The sales activities of a company are key to its performance in the market. On the another(prenominal) hand, the salespeople involved with a companys sales of products have a direct

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